ABOUT - Islamic Burial Council - Tel: 031 301 2680, edge@telkomsa.net, 63 Gale Street Durban 4001

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Staff and Islamic Burial Council Vehicle


Standing from left: Ally, Abbas, Kassim, Younis, Ebrahim,
Sitting from left: Rafiq, Dawood

Executive Members

1. Chairman Salim Kazi 082 827 8614
2. Vice Chairman Yusuf Nanabawa 082 665 6665
3. Secretary Ajeer Abbas 084 478 6702
4. Farouk Saib 082 662 6180
5. Treasurer Iqubal khan
6. Administrative relations( Personal Assistant to Chairman) Raeesa Ali 073 935 4990
7.  Moulana Mohamed Tariq
8.  Moosa Phiri
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