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Nasihah (Advice): Minors in Hajj
Sayyiduna Saaib Bin Yazeed Radhiyallahu Anhu says,“My father took me for Hajj with Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam during the Farewell Hajj when I was seven years old.” (Tirmidhi)
Question and Answer:
Q. Is Hajj compulsory on minors? If they are taken for Hajj as minors, is their Hajj fulfilled? Do they have to perform a Hajj again after they become adults?
(Question published as received)
A. The compulsion to perform Hajj is upon adults and not children/minors. If children perform Hajj, it will be counted as an optional (Nafl) Hajj and they will be rewarded for it. However, it will not be counted as their compulsory (Fardh) Hajj. Once they become mature, the performance of Hajj will become compulsory upon them if they fulfil the requirements of performing Hajj. (Masaail Rifat Qaasimi 7/66)
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
Mufti Ebrahim Desai


Nasihah (Advice): Salaah of the traveller
Sayyiduna Ka’b Ibn Maalik Radhiyallahu Anhu reports that Rasulullah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam did not return from a journey but by day, and when he arrived, he went first to the Masjid, and having prayed two rak'ahs, he sat down. (Muslim)
Question and Answer:
Q. We are leaving for Hajj and we would like to know if there are any Salaah to perform before leaving home for Hajj?
(Question published as received)
A. It is preferable (Mustahab) to offer two Rakaats of optional (Nafl) Salaah when departing and arriving from a journey, Haj or otherwise. (Shaami 2/24)
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Question and Answer:

Nasihah (Advice): Salaah in its Proper Time – the Best of Deeds

Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Mas’ud Radhiyallahu Anhu reported, I asked, “O Messenger of Allah, which deed is best?” Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam replied, “Salaah in its proper time.” I asked, “What is next?” Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam replied, “Good treatment of your parents.” I asked, “What is next?” Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam replied, “Jihaad in the path of Allah.” (Bukhari)

Question and Answer:

Q. Assalamualaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Respected Ulama e Kiram, We use the Athan software for the times of Salah in which there are different calculation methods due to which the times for Salah vary. The methods are by institutions located in different parts of the world like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, France and US.
Should we stick to one calculation method or use one which is by the institution closest to our location?
(Question published as received)

A. If one follows Hanafi Fiqh, it would be best to configure the application to use the 'University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi' setting. The Asr calculation should be set to Hanafi and 3 minutes should be added to the  Maghrib Salaah time time as a safety margin. This will ensure that the times shown will be correct for those who follow Hanafi Fiqh.
The 'University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi' settings are generally more precautionary (for example, with respect to twilight) and are therefore preferred.

And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Nasihah (Advice): The servitude of a believer to Allah in every condition

Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu Anhu reports that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said, “Striving in the path of Allah is incumbent on you along with every ruler, whether he is pious or impious; salaah is obligatory on you behind every believer, pious or impious, even if he commits grave sins; the (Janaazah) salaah is incumbent upon every Muslim, pious or impious, even if he commits major sins.” (Abu Dawood)

Q. Should a person that has committed suicide be given a Janazaah?
(Question published as received)

A. Suicide is a major sin in Islam. However, as is the case of any Muslim who is a sinner, a person who has committed suicide will be given Ghusal, Janazaah Salaah will be performed for them and they will be buried in a Muslim cemetary. (Shaami 1/119)

bu Dawood)

Q. Kindly advise how a muslim is buried out at sea.

A. A Muslim who passes away at sea should be given Ghusal, shrouded in a Kafan and Salaatul Janaazah should be performed for him/her.

If the ship is far out at sea and there is a feat that the body will decompose thereby causing harm to others on the ship, the body should be weighted and buried at sea.

However, if the ship is close to land or there are facilites on board whereby the body can be preserved, the deceased's body should be buried on land. (Tahtaawi vol. 1, page 613)

And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
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